Zodiac Witch
The stars speak to her and the night sky is her home. Planetary shifts and the turn of seasons fuel her every move. The zodiac witch weaves her starry spells by the light of the moon. Hopefully it will be in your favor ;-)
- Clothing - Dress - !C Raven dress and sleeves - Body - Reborn Velour picasso babe - Dracula Head - Lelutka Avalon Skin - Guapa Clarice - Dracula Shape - Guapa clarice
Tattoo - Phoenix mystery moon signs (satan inc treat gift) Hair - Truth Potion - Accessories - Necklace - Rawr Countess Earrings - Rawr countess
Garters - Rawr countess
2nd Necklace - [NC] Cursed love
Halo - Lulub starry halo
Headband - Evelyn spiked headband (satan inc treat gift)